The Harrison County flag is green with the county seal in the center. The seal shows an outline of the county with symbols of importance to the residents, a farm, tree, lake and coal. The circle represents the close connection of area businesses, schools, organizations and communities. Fifteen white stars appear in five clusters of three, representing fifteen townships in the county. The flag was designed by the New Rumley 4-H Club in 2002. Each color is symbolic. The green field reminds us of the agricultural background of the county and brown stands for farms and rural areas. Gold represents famous individuals from Harrison County such as Clark Gable, General George A. Custer and U.S. Representative John A. Bingham. The blue water signifies recreation on the county's beautiful lakes, Tappan, Clendening and Piedmont. Black represents the rich coal industry that the county is noted for. The county was established in 1813 and was named after William Henry Harrison, the first U.S. President to be elected from Ohio.