Parking Garage Renovation Phase 3 begins March 30
March 11, 2020

Garage floor plan, Phase 3
The Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board (CSRAB) will begin Phase 3 of the Ohio Statehouse parking garage repair project Monday, March 30, 2020.

The Ohio Statehouse Garage is a three level parking structure built in 1964. The last restoration project was completed in 1993 during the Statehouse renovations. The parking garage is U-shaped with seven stair towers and four elevators located throughout.

The garage services both daily and monthly parking customers, accommodating approximately 1,200 vehicles daily.

During Phase 3 of the repairs, the garage will remain in service, however at a reduced capacity. Approximately 25% or 300 spaces will be under construction throughout the entire project. The reserved spaces will be moved in this phase. The area for charging electric vehicles is included, so the charging stations will not be available during Phase 3.

During construction, traffic flow will be maintained, and access to each level will be provided. Vehicles MUST use the Broad Street entrance on the north side of the garage. The Third and State Street driving entrances will be closed.

Driving exits will be open from the garage to Broad Street, Third Street and State Street. When one of the State Street exits is under repair, the other exit will be open to traffic. Signage will notify drivers either to exit west or to exit east onto State Street.

All stairs and elevators will be open. The stairway near the tunnel to the Huntington Building will be under renovation for a brief time.

The walking entrance to the Rhodes Tower is open to those with security badges. Please, no pedestrian traffic on the ramps. This is especially dangerous during construction. Please use caution when driving or walking in the garage.

Many variables can affect the timing of a construction project. A map is attached, and updates about the Ohio Statehouse parking garage repair project can be found at

Please, contact Mike Rupert at or 614-728-4185 for project specific questions.

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