Suffrage Centennial Commemorations
Exhibit by State Library of Ohio

Exhibit from State Library of Ohio
August 1 - January 4

Map Room
The Ohio Statehouse
1 Capitol Square
Columbus, OH 43215


The centennial of women’s suffrage is recognized on August 18, 2020.  On that date, one hundred years ago, the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed, ensuring women the right to vote.


The Ohio Statehouse is host to a historic exhibit about the landmark voting rights victory.  "Rightfully Hers", a pop-up display created by the National Archives, shows artifacts and portraits related to the suffrage movement.  The exhibit is open to the public in the Map Room of the Ohio Statehouse courtesy of the State Library of Ohio.


When visiting the Ohio Statehouse, the public is invited to view The Ladies’ Gallery on the first floor.   Pictures and displays tell the story of the women in the Ohio legislature.  On the South Capitol Square grounds, a planting shows the colors of a suffragist sash. 


Many of the commemorative events for this centennial year have been canceled due to health concerns.  The Ohio Women’s Suffrage Centennial Commission will present online events to enjoy from home.  Visit to learn more.  The Commission plans to host a major celebration of the 19th Amendment next year.  

The Statehouse Museum Shop carries commemorative items and pins.

Learn more online:
Virtual Commemoration of 100 Years of Women's Suffrage
August 26, 2020, All day
Poems, songs, speeches about the suffrage movement shared over social media. For more information, click here.